The Quote Challenge Part Three

I only have one actual quote today. I think that’s because my original intention was for this week to be quotes from literature, but the problem is that when I’m reading I don’t actually take time to write quotes down. And so, of course, I know there are lots of good quotes but I’ve forgotten most of them. And I also couldn’t find the books I wanted to peruse for quotes (I actually had to find this one on Pinterest -.-).

But anyway, here are the rules one more time!

  • Thank the person who nominated you (thanks again, Aberdeen!)
  • Post a new quote everyday for 3 consecutive days.
  • Nominate 3 new bloggers every day.

(Obviously I’m not following the rules. But whatever.) And here are the other two parts:

Part 1 // Part 2

Now, for today’s quote…

The enemy’s best efforts to blacken the world would only serve to scatter the light like stars in the heavens.

The Warden and the Wolf King, by Andrew Peterson

My mom read this book aloud to us a year or two ago, and the first time I heard this I was so happy. The imagery is just perfect. Light can never really be overcome. God will work everything – even the worst, darkest things – for His glory; and maybe one day when we get to heaven we’ll see just how much light was scattered and multiplied because of the evil things we thought could never be defeated.


And now, the rules state I must tag someone. So. I tag Sarah, Esther, and anyone who is wearing a striped shirt (I’m not; mine has a wolf on it, which once rather shocked an elderly lady).

What are some of your favorite quotes? Have you read the Wingfeather Saga?

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